Saturday, December 7, 2013


Assalamualikum all! today, lets talk HORSES!!! a horse is a horse, of course! anyway, lets start with the main post. Main Description horses are equids, meaning odd-toed-ungulets. zebra's and donkeys come from the same family too! Horses, in early years, where the main form of transportation as they can gallop up to 80/km per hour! also, they used horses for battle to. Actually, a warman would ride the horse and have it charge the other teams side and then the horse would stop and they would start fighting, usually it was the time when their were no guns and unlike today, they used swords. but for a horse to fight in war, they had to train them specially for that. Really, I don't know how to train a horse for war as I haven't done it or saw how they do it so.. Breeds Of Horses A horse comes in many diff breeds, but the main come in three types. Cold Blooded Horses Description for this type: has a lot of strength and stamina but not much speed. very docile in personality, not aggresive or high strunk like many hot bloods. also can survive cold temperatures. Breeds: Friesan - short coat hair, has hair on hooves, long mane and tail. there is only one color, black, a white freisan is not a friesan. gypsy vanner - long coat hair, quite fluffy, has long hair on hooves, hooves are nearly invisible due to hair, long mane and tail. very sweet and friendly, tall to, good for children's horse riding classes. main colors are black and white pied, and rarely pure black and pure white, also golden and white is possible though very rare. Shire Horse - native to england. Hot Blooded Horses description for this type: has a lot of speed unlike Cold bloods but have strength but not as affeciant in weight pulling as cold bloods, very much spirited and very nice personality. Breeds: Arabian - very much speedy, docile and calm, common race horses. thouroughbred - like general hot bloods but is a cross of many breeds, and is a man-made breed. Warm Blooded Horses Description for this type: is basically a cross of Hot blood and Cold blood, it's speed is less then hot blood but more then cold bloods, their strength and stamina is less then cold blood but more then hot blood. is just a mix of cold and hot blood. Breeds: Appaloosa - spotted, many diff colors, for more detailed info visit here Camarillo White Horse - is a white horse, for more details visit this Lippizaner - is a show horse basically, calm. for more details visit this link Hope you learned from this post!! wassalam.


As Salam O Alaikum!

today i will tell you all about volcanoes!
let's see, should we start with the fun experiment, or the main post? maybe the post first!

ok, so you probably must have heard of the word "volcano"! if you haven't, i will tell you! so, volcanoes are plain old mountains, but they are a specific type of mountains. now, i hope you know that the earth is made up of 3 layers. the core, or center of the earth, is also in two parts. the inner core is mostly made of liquids. the outer core is solid metal. then we have the mantel. that is made of hot melted rocks. then we have the crust, which is the layer we r on right now! Volcanoes are openings in the earth's crust, and when they erupt, mantel flows out of them, and when it gets solid, it is a new rock! because the mantel is liquid rock, when it cools and becomes solid, it is normal, solid rock! A volcano, in Hawaii, blow most of it's top of when it erupted in 2009!

Now for the experiment:

Take any drink bottle(500ml is recommended), and bury it(half the way) in the ground. now, in a mixing bowl(get an adult to help), put red coloring, and vinegar, and empty it in the bottle(the bottle should fill halfway), then add a teaspoon of baking soda in the bottle, and see the "eruption"!! finally, HAVE FUN!

Was Salaam
Ibne Muhammad